Value Up
The really tough answer to the question “why do people use me?” is that you don’t value yourself, so you actually attract people who will use you, because they know they can. They are taking your lead. This book is not just for the person who is dealing with severe self worth issues, though. I wrote this book because I honestly believe that most people really don’t know that they have incredible intrinsic value. The word “intrinsic” means “something that is built in.” You can’t add or subtract to it. Your value is like that. It is built in. Unfortunately, events and circumstances can make you feel like you don’t have value. When you don’t feel valuable, you don’t act valuable, and you actually attract people to your life who don’t value you either. Have you ever wondered why some of your friends really do not respect you? That has more to do with you than them. On top of that, it’s just about impossible to treat others like they have value when you don’t value yourself. Value Up is like picking up a mirror and looking deep into your own soul. I want to warn you before you read this book. If you take it seriously, you may lose a few “friends”, your lifestyle may change, and you will look at yourself in a whole different way. I dare you to read this book and not get a greater understanding of your true value.